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Phrases I'm Getting Mighty Tired Ofby C.M. Decarnin |
{Surly Bitch Mode Engaged}
Phrases (& other stuff)
I am getting mortally tired of star in:
If I Were the King of the Forest
Okay this first part has nothing to do with grammar.
Nor is it about clichés. It does have to do with received
(read STOLEN) phrasing and lazyass writing. Both of which I've been
guilty of seventy times seven, but I'm trying to cure myself and like an
ex-smoker, am irritably reformative. It also includes some things
that just frickin annoy me. Deal.
heat pooled low in his belly
Every time I see the word "pool" as a verb now I want to pool my dinner on the carpet. It's virtually meaning-free. I might not mind it so much if these sensations pooled in his crotch once, but no. Now clothes are starting to pool at people's feet, and so on, and I've had it! Everybody out of the pool!
And while we're at it:
warmth gathering in his belly
Crotch. Say "crotch". Repeat after
me. The genitalia that feel are located in the CROTCH! Or groin.
Not some vague spot in the abdomen, elegantly styled "belly" cuz it's literary.
(See "soap and shampoo", below.)
hitching breath
The first time I saw this I thought it was very
inventive. The second time I saw it -- in that same story -- I thought,
oh, what a shame, she doesn't know enough to leave it alone. 30th
time I saw it in the same author's work I wanted to strangle her.
Now I see it everywhere and grind my teeth.
toed off his shoes
I've used it, but I don't think I ever will again
-- it's EVERYwhere. Granted, slash protagonists doundress
a lot... but (snaps fingers) we gotta stop sleepwriting the same phrases
we see everyone else using.
scissoring fingers
I might have even inadvertently started this one.
I can't remember if I'd ever seen it anywhere in slash before I used it
in "Hades". But whoever started it, I'm rill tired of it now.
Underscores the serious need to find our OWN words... a lesson that's been
a long time coming, for me, but I think slash has finally gifted me with
a clue...
whimpered (or other verb) with/atThe Loss
Just, no. Let it go.
one finger, two finger, three finger
You don't have to do thisto have gay male sex!!!! It's a fucking OPTION for ghod's sake, not a PRESCRIPTION! Give it a rest, people. Especially in the hot, rough, do-me-now scenes, jeeze do NOT stop for this it really wrecks the mood. And is bo-RING. As for stopping to do this during a rape scene... Trust me. Your readers will thank you. I will thank you. The future of slash will thank you!
Sorry, I just hit one too many instances of pornus interruptus there...
Te is exempt. She can make even this fuckin'
hot. And it turns out Carene LOVES this aspect of fanfic, but that
actually doesn't mean we need more of it; there are at least a thousand
HL fics with it already out there... Anyone who writes this like
they love it, naturally that's different. Most just put it in because
they think they have to, and it shows. And yes: there
are gay men who prefer unlubricated sex.
dancing around each other
I hate this phrase. I mean, it's just so
undignified, wouldn't you hate it if someone said that to you or about
you, in that superior tone?
over the edge (orgasm)
Not intrinsically annoying, but admit it, you've
seen it at least a hundred times, right? Actually I think it's falling
out of use, RIP.
blood tasting like copper
It doesn't. (And even if you think it does,
once you've seen the phrase two or three dozen times you can officially
assume it's no longer fresh and original.) The color of blood comes
from iron (attached to oxygen), not copper, and no, it doesn't taste like
iron either.
For things other than speech. Breath, touches,
heartbeat, etc. It's become popular, hence repetitive, hence obtrusive,
hence irritating. Actually it was always kind of irritating.
tasted himself in ______'s mouth
I donno. Just so predictable after a while.
yawn. Vary the wording?
She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
A story that shall remain nameless couldn't think
of ANYTHING else for the female lead to do. And it was a long, LONG
story. So she did it over, and over, and over, and over...
Internet publishing offers the safety and anonymity you NEED to do this.
But that author is not the only culprit who does it with female characters.
(You never see it done with male characters, except maybe Blair, who, well,
I think I've made my point.) It's a maddening and pointless
piece of non-characterization and should be STIFLED. If this is the
best you can think of to do with a female character, you shouldn't be writing
them; admit you can only do slashbunnies and move on.
Suddenly everybody's kissing each other's jaw.
Not a sexy word. I think because it too readily suggests "yawning
maw" and suddenly we're in another storyline altogether. I wish there
were better words for parts of the face.
I don't find the word "grunt" sexy. Which
brings us to the subject of:
soap and shampoo smells
What on earth is sexy about the smells of toiletries?
Cheap, nauseating perfumes, weird-ass chemicals...? Eyew. More
important, almost, is that the mention of them is often kind of... like
mentioning someone eating fruit and cheese. Kind of pseudo-sophisticated
-- note both are generalizations. They don't say what fruit, what
cheese; that distance is part of the lofty aloofness you're supposed to
sense in it all; nor does the pov sniffer mention the fragrance, usually
-- "the scent of his shampoo" -- could be anything from Apple Honey Wheatberry
to that tar shampoo you use for dandruff. If it's necessary to talk
about it, NAME it. Or, preferably, don't talk about it. Maybe
in modern life such lab-made stenches are all we get but boy is that depressing.
Surely in fantasy we can do better than eroticizing people by what products
they use?
overuse of ellipses
Oh wait, that's me.
biting the jugular, or, Ghod help us, carotid, or Adam's apple
Excellent ways to end a story in emergency surgery
or the morgue instead of in transports of rapture.
grin splitting a face
I mean, ew. EW. Think about
choking/swallowing back bile
What is this, a GERD epidemic? Not many people
have reflux as a symptom of rage, fear, etc., and besides, bile comes from
the liver, not the stomach.
the older man/younger man/other man/taller man/shorter man
If you've been writing 25 minutes, you know this
is frickin' awkward. If you use the person's name, the repetition
is not gonna kill your sentence the way "the younger man" will. And
why? I think it's partly the abrupt change in distance. These
phrases are VERY distant indeed, and no one would EVER ever ever think
of their lover that way. Neither should the narrator. And,
side note, especially when that "man" is 16 years old? The effect
is like those cheesy old boys'-adventure novel descriptions of a fist-fight
with the villain (who is always named Rankin, first name likely Lew) "receiving
a strong blow to the jaw that felled the other man" and the like.
<thoroughly creeped shudder>
the brunette
Meaning Clark Kent. See "the older man" etc.,
dizziness from arousal
Really? Room spinning, inability to keep your balance,
rising nausea?
bursts of light behind eyelids from orgasm
Really? Always sounds more like migraine
to me, which is why I don't like it.
kissing/licking pulse points
Really? Like, the lickee can tell?
fed him lunch
Feeding is what you do to animals and babies.
It has no place in adult interactions unless you are literally spooning
the pablum into his mouth.
Lex sliding/running/rubbing his hand over his scalp
Lex never does this. Watch him. Lex
doesn't have any jittery mannerisms.
Boys. Don't. Say. This.
Except enormous sissies.
Lex smirking
Enough already. Especially from those who
don't seem to know the difference between a smirk and a smile.
Carding fingers through hair
Once, long ago, this was an original phrase.
I'm reading a story in which the lovers have had
FIVE HOURS to get ready for their date, and the first thing one of them
wants to do when they finally meet up and start groping each other is --
take a shower. Please. In the classic phrase, "You should have
gone before we left home."
pinching the bridge of his nose
Bored now.
And lastly:
"His cock exploded."
Dudes. Could the next sentence ever be anything but "He screamed in agony."? I saved this one for last, 'cause it's so common and so awful. Sometimes it's the whole guy who explodes, and isn't that sad? There are metaphors that work, and metaphors that don't. I'm just sayin'.
No, "erupt" isn't all that much better.
Some of the very bestwriters do all the above; it's not like it's illegal. But some of them also do the stuff below. And so do their betas.
Just when you thought it was
safe to go back in the water...
No One Here Gets Out Alive
Words that are just plain WRONG. Some are
suddenly becoming so commonly misused that you now often see them on tv
and even in newspapers and magazines. The premiere of "LAX" used
the "pawn off" error -- even in the captioning. On 2/5/04 I saw the
may/might error on the Final Jeopardy question! Augh.
pouring over a page poring over a page
I could care less I couldn't care less
diffuse the situation
defuse the situation
(disarm, not scatter widely)
reign in, free reign
rein in, free rein
(both terms come from horseback riding, not royal politics)
hone in on
home in on
(comes from radio-location, not knife sharpening; like
"homing beacon")
pawn something off on someone
palm something off on someone
(comes from magic/con game, not from pawnbrokers)
jury-rig (or "jerry-built")
(They have slightly different meanings. To jury-rig means to
cleverly rig something up from what you have at hand;
jerry-built implies shoddy or precarious construction.)
stretched taunt stretched taut
peek, peak, pique three different words. look 'em up.
leeched (color from a face)
(A process in milling flour, not about bloodsuckers.)
lead (as a past tense) led
bicep biceps (means "two-headed" muscle)
lie/lay, sit/set
(The only treatment I can think of for this is to print out a
complete conjugation of all FOUR (yes) verbs and tack it up near your
computer. Then learn the definition of transitive and intransitive
verbs. Apply as needed. I admit this one is hard.)
argh argh argh argh argh
(90% of the time -- no, 99% -- "may" in any sentence that even
HINTS at a past tense, should've been "might". Also most
sentences with a future tense, and some in the present. I don't
know how this mistake got started but it's a fuckin' epidemic.)
If it's a verb, add the E.
(Okay if you don't know what a verb is: if it has a long E
sound, add the E on the end. If it rhymes with "death",
it's spelled like "death" -- no E on the end.)
lose means "to misplace"
loose means "to set free"
lightening bolt lightning bolt
beg the question
This is constantly being misused lately. On tv a lot. Even in that Glacionauts show on PBS for ghodsake. To beg a question means to dodge it, evade it, sidestep it; "to assume that which was to be proved in a discussion, instead of adducing the proof or sustaining the point by argument"; the fallacy with the Latin name petitio principii (postulation of the beginning) -- it does NOT mean to plead for or invite the question to be asked; it does not mean to provoke the question. Think "beg off" rather than "beg for". Here's a pretty clear explanation, though the site has a tendency to hijack your screen and not let go -- hit "Back" quickly 3 or 4 times to leave it:
> http://search.csmonitor.com/durable/2000/10/03/fp21s1-csm.shtml
One of the all-time great examples of this is,
"We know that God exists, since the Bible says God exists." You hear
versions of that all the time, when talking to naive believers. It
never occurs to them that the Bible is not PROOF. To everyone.
Including atheists.
For a cool site on false argumentation, go here:
> http://www.datanation.com/fallacies/index.htm
But I digress.
alright all right
give into give in to
momento memento
be fit with (as a past tense) be fitted with
sunk (as past tense of sink) sank; had sunk
cliché (as an adjective) clichéd
phased (adjective: disconcerted) fazed
palate, palette, pallet I know, but try
bored of with! bored with!
wonder, wander two different words
And the classic:
It's fur is soft.
(Like his, hers, ours,
and theirs, "its" takes no apostrophe. The word
with the apostrophe is
the one that stands for "It is.")
He's taller then Lex. than. than than than.
all of the sudden
all of a sudden
This is an odd one I'm seeing
more and more, so I list it.
snuck sneaked
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